Critical Updates You Need to Know on I-75 Traffic and Construction in Florida

What You Need to Know about I-75 in 2024   

Major Florida cities such as Miami, Orlando, Tampa, and Jacksonville are infamous for their rush-hour traffic, eternal construction delays, and crazy drivers. For many years, residents in more rural metropolitan areas have had the luxury of dealing with less hassle in their daily commute than their urban counterparts. However, due to an influx of out-of-state residents vacationing and moving to Florida, even smaller cities are losing breathing room on the road.

One of the main thoroughfares these new arrivals use while traveling is I-75 which runs from Michigan to Florida, almost 1,800 miles. Out-of-state travelers merge onto I-75 upon entering Florida from where they are funneled through smaller cities and townships until they exit to reach their final destination. Ocala is one such of these small cities affected by annual increases in traffic via I-75. Five pm traffic through all Ocala exits can become backed up for miles, despite north and southbound traffic traversing three lanes each. Recently, Florida has developed plans to improve the interstate in the upcoming years. Between roads S.R 44 and S.R 326, the state plans to spend $479 million adding auxiliary lanes, interchange modifications, and right-of-way acquisition for future improvements to help ease traffic congestion through Sumter and Marion counties.

According to the FDOT website, “Proposed to the Legislature in January 2023, Governor Ron DeSantis’ Moving Florida Forward Infrastructure Initiative will accelerate priority infrastructure projects across the state through an investment of $4 Billion from the General Revenue Surplus starting in the 2023-2024 budget year. These projects are slated to address congestion, improve safety, ensure a resilient transportation system, enhance the supply chain and economic growth, and address future needs as the state continues to experience rapid growth.” With these necessary improvements to Florida roadways, travelers will experience faster and safer transportation through our state. 

For more information from the FDOT website, click here 

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